During these uncertain times with COVID-19, mass layoffs and furloughs have left a major dent in the entertainment industry, especially to those in booking. With the uncertainty of the pandemic these professionals have had to find work on the side or collect unemployment while retaining fleeting hopes of eventual rehire. As with any struggle, new solutions arise as more and more professionals establish their own entrepreneurial ventures. This leads to getting more revenue in your business without the agency taking money off of the top for each booking and working independently on your own time.
You may be down, but you’re not out. If you are one of these people who decided after a furlough or layoff to start your own business by yourself or with a friend we have a solution for you. Our Booking Agency Pro software allows you to look professional while working on a one or two person team. You can also run reports to see revenues for the year by agent and account statements. Don’t let the uncertainty stop you from doing what you love. You are capable of running your own business with our help. Visit our booking page on our website to learn more about how you can stay on top of your business and start booking again!